Module::Build::Convert comes with a rather huge data section, that contains the argument
conversion table, default arguments, sorting order, begin & end code. If you wish to change
this data, you should consider making a ~/.make2buildrc
that will consist of this data by
launching make2build with the -rc switch. You shouldn't (!)
edit the data section within Module::Build::Convert directly, unless you are sure you want
to submit a patch.
The sections are enlisted as:
On the left-hand side is the MakeMaker's argument name, on the right-hand side the Module::Build's equivalent.
Example 5.
NAME module_name DISTNAME dist_name ABSTRACT dist_abstract AUTHOR dist_author VERSION dist_version VERSION_FROM dist_version_from PREREQ_PM requires PL_FILES PL_files PM pm_files MAN1PODS pod_files XS xs_files INC include_dirs INSTALLDIRS installdirs DESTDIR destdir CCFLAGS extra_compiler_flags EXTRA_META meta_add SIGN sign LICENSE license clean.FILES @add_to_cleanup
Default Module::Build arguments to be added. Arguments with a leading # are ignored.
Example 6.
#build_requires HASH #recommends HASH #conflicts HASH license unknown create_readme 1 create_makefile_pl traditional
Module::Build arguments are sorted as enlisted herein.
Example 7.
module_name dist_name dist_abstract dist_author dist_version dist_version_from requires build_requires recommends conflicts PL_files pm_files pod_files xs_files include_dirs installdirs destdir add_to_cleanup extra_compiler_flags meta_add sign license create_readme create_makefile_pl